The traditional Moroccan cuisineSpicesThe spices are very important in Moroccan cuisine. Cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, pepper, paprika, anise, sesame seeds, saffron, mint, coriander spices are just examples in many Moroccan dishes.
Meat / Poultry / SeafoodMorocco becomes a country that produces an abundance of lamb, beef and chicken. They also have lots of different seafood like shrimp, squid, sardines, sea bass and cuttlefish among many other fish. This steak is usually served the main course in a tagine (which is a vessel of Moroccan cuisine, but also a kind of dish). May serve was also mixed with couscous is served after the main course.
Couscous and saladsCouscous and hot or cold salads are often served with the meal too. The salads are usually made with either raw or cooked vegetables (eggplant is a very popular vegetable) and eaten with bread. Couscous is usually served hot with a meat or vegetable stew served on top of it. Chickpeas are also a popular ingredient in Morocco and they are often found in salads and couscous.
BreadAlmost all meals in Morocco is eaten with the hands and the bread is used as a utensil. Because Moroccan cuisine has lots of sauces, bread is used to absorb the juice. Typically, bread (called Khobz) is round and quite flat and has a nice crispy crust.
BeveragesThe most popular drink in Moroccan mint tea served after almost every meal. Orange juice and coffee are also Moroccan popular drinks.
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